
daisyCommercially, deodorants can be bought as rub-on, roll-on, or spray-on solutions, with or without antiperspirant properties. While all three methods of application can be replicated by natural deodorants, the likelihood of the homemade/natural alternative working as an antiperspirant is pretty much non-existent. However, the presence of healthy sweat glands does not mean you have to smell anything less than fresh as a daisy.

One thing to remember when switching from commercial deodorant to homemade is that many people experience a period of detox (1-2 weeks) during which the homemade version will not work well, until the commercial version has been sweated out of their pores.

Essential oils, especially those with antibacterial and/or anti-fungal properties (tea tree, lavender, rosemary, orange, etc.) make great additions to deodorant. Any essential oils can be blended to make your own uniquely-scented deodorant, as long as your oil(s) of choice will not burn your skin.

Also, people with sensitive skin may experience painful or itchy reactions to natural deodorants. If you experience this reaction, try replacing some or all of the cornstarch and/or baking soda with arrowroot powder.

Smear-On Deodorant

3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Cornstarch (or Arrowroot)
1/4 Cup Baking Soda
5-20 Drops Essential Oil (Added Gradually, According to Preference)

Store it in a wide-mouthed jar that you can dip your fingers into and apply with fingertips. In warm climates the ingredients may separate if left un-refrigerated, in which case you should stir it back together before each use.

Rub-On (Roll-On) Deodorant

1 Tablespoon Grated Beeswax (or Beeswax Pellets)
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/4 Cup Cornstarch (or Arrowroot)
10 Drops Vitamin E
5-20 Drops Essential Oil (Added Gradually, According to Preference)

Store in an empty (cleaned out) roll-up deodorant container for best results and easiest application.

Spray-On Deodorant

1/2 Cup Witch Hazel
1/8 Teaspoon Baking Soda
5-20 Drops Essential Oil (Added Gradually, According to Preference)

Store in a mist/spray bottle and shake well to mix before each application. Allow time for armpits to dry thoroughly after application.